Professor Racket

The Best Racket Bootcamp

About Us

As computer scientists, we are all too familiar with the confusion, anxiety, and stress that permeate this ever-changing field. These factors have constantly led minority groups to avert embarking on this career path that may have otherwise been their life-long passion. Even more so, a report from the Level Playing Field Institute found that “only 4 percent of schools with the highest percentage of low-income students offer AP Computer Science, and African-American and Latino students were just 11 percent of 2014 AP Computer Science test takers.” Therefore, in hopes of reducing the inaccessibility and fear that inherently entwine with Computer Science, we hope to provide a platform for beginners and advanced coders alike from all gender and racial groups to embark on an intellectual journey to solve intriguing and mind-boggling problems in a stress-free, relaxing environment. In our website, we provide numerous resources that link to textbooks and language documentations. A sword needs a whetstone like a mind needs Professor Racket. Enjoy!